My cousin decided to study Biology just like I did (same university, hence same program). While she wants to go on a different research subject, so far she also wants to follow an academic pathway, and so she has asked me a lot of questions to subjects I wished I knew more about when I was starting. These will be a series of posts based on that premise. Please keep in mind all these posts will be based on personal experiences
How urgent
is it to know what to do in science?
Maybe the
key word here is urgent. It’s not urgent to know what you want to do, is not
imperative that you decide on what branch of science you’re going to work from
your first year of your undergrad and you might realize that you don’t really
know until very late in your studies. But it does help to narrow down your
options as you go.
In my case,
I knew very early that I wanted to work in a lab. However, my undergrad program
was very broad, which allowed me to experience other possibilities, such as
field work and even in the lab, to work a bit in microbiology, biochemistry and
cell biology.
As you advance
in your studies, you will encounter more and more options; if you want to work
in biochemistry you might realize later that what you are really interested in
is protein interactions, and then just the interactions of one single protein,
and so on. Of the biochemistry group I was part of during the end of my undergrad
studies, there is one person working on Aging, one working in Evolutionary
Biology, someone working on patents and then there’s me who, as you know, works
in Protein Interactions.
However, it
does help to start questioning early on what do you really like and maybe even
where do you see yourself in the future. Knowing this it would be easier for
you to decided which elective classes to take (for example, I took extra
classes of Cell and Molecular Biology), which labs/research groups to try to
get in, heck even which languages to work on. The reason why I re started my French
classes during my undergrad was that back I knew a lot of original work had and
was being done in cell biology in French (French used to be the science
language also) and so I wanted to be able to read those papers. Ultimately it
was extra useful since I ended up doing my graduate studies in a francophone institution
Now, bear
in mind that you knowing right now that you want to work on something might not
mean that you will work on it. Projects can change a lot during your research
life. It might be due to funding, someone scooping you, or simply that the
project is not advancing. Do not despair if this happens, as a project is only
a tiny part of a bigger subject (case in point, my project aims one single
protein of thousands inside one type of cell) that you could still tackle, just
from a slightly different angle.
So don’t
fret if you are starting your undergrad, or even half way through and you haven’t
100% decided what you want to do in science. If you have the opportunity to
sample the different options that are attractive to you, go for it. Get
informed and take your time. Good luck.
I Can't Decide--Scissor Sisters
I Can't Decide--Scissor Sisters
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